Thursday, June 26, 2008


I’m not a big fan of adventure games. They’ve always been, in my eyes, games about tiring enigmas, boring puzzles, inventory nightmares, plus lots of dialogue I’d gladly skip.
So I couldn’t truly appreciate nor contest what Ernest Adams pointed out at “Amnesia at the Game's Beginning”, in his “Bad Game Designer, No Twinkie! VIII” which I commented here.
I didn’t fell there was anything wrong with the caveat as a whole.

That said, I’ve lately noticed the aforementioned amnesia pattern while paying closer attention to certain adventure games, notably two recent ones.

In Eden Games’ Alone in the Dark, your character doesn’t remember much, nor knows why he’s where he is.
In White Bird’s Last King of Africa, your character doesn’t remember much, nor knows why she’s where she is.
In Quantic Dream’s Fahrenheit, the character’s first steps were of a similar flavour, beginning in a room as he didn’t know what really happened, neither why he was there to boot.

There’s one thing all these studios have in common beyond the pattern in question.

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